Advice for Employers and Recruiters
Impact of AI on quantity and quality of job applications
Spend any time talking with just about anyone involved in hiring and you’ll hear concerns about greatly increased quantity of applications, greatly decreased quality, or even both.
We believe that every student and recent grad deserves a great career and that it should be easy and inexpensive for employers to hire them. Our founder, Steven Rothberg, recently talked with Ben Groves, head of publisher partnerships, and Glen Handrahan, head of employer sales, to talk about why so many believe that problems with quantity or quality are due to AI, if that’s true, and offer up some solutions.
We talked about tools like LazyApply, The Stepstone Group, JobCopilot, JobQuest, ChatGPT, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, JobSync, ATS, and Mercor.
Employers are clearly receiving more applications, but is quality actually poorer, or are candidates using tools to eliminate spelling and other clerical errors that used to cause employers to infer low quality?