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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

15 tips for government agencies trying to hire students, recent grads into early career, real estate jobs

Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
July 24, 2024

In the quest to attract the brightest minds fresh out of college into the real estate sector of government service, we’ve gathered insights from industry experts including real estate leaders and founders. From highlighting perks and professional growth to ensuring proper training and support, delve into the 15 comprehensive strategies provided to make governmental real estate roles irresistible to young talent.

  • Highlight Perks and Professional Growth
  • Offer Engaging Internship Programs
  • Provide Clear Advancement Paths
  • Partner with Educational Institutions
  • Utilize Employee-Referral Programs
  • Showcase Employee Testimonials and Success
  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
  • Emphasize Job Stability and Growth
  • Highlight Impactful Real Estate Projects
  • Foster a Positive Work Environment
  • Offer Training and Mentorship Programs
  • Showcase Community Development Impact
  • Create a Collaborative Team Culture
  • Offer Flexible Work Arrangements
  • Ensure Proper Training and Support

Highlight Perks and Professional Growth

When it comes to attracting college students and recent graduates, highlighting your company’s perks and benefits can be a major draw. In the competitive job market, young professionals are looking for more than just a salary; they want to work for companies that offer additional incentives such as flexible work schedules, professional development opportunities, and generous vacation time. By showcasing these perks in your recruitment efforts, you will not only stand out from other government agencies but also demonstrate that you value the well-being and growth of your employees. This can greatly appeal to college students and recent graduates who are looking for a supportive and fulfilling workplace environment.

Lance Doty, Acquisitions Manager, Home Buying Guys

Offer Engaging Internship Programs

I would advise a large governmental agency to focus on creating a dynamic and engaging internship program. College students and recent graduates are often looking for hands-on experience that can give them a taste of what a career in real estate could be like. By offering internships that provide real-world projects, mentorship opportunities, and a clear path to potential full-time employment, the agency can showcase the value and excitement of working in the public sector. Additionally, leveraging social media and campus recruiting events to highlight these opportunities can significantly boost interest. Make sure to emphasize the stability, benefits, and potential for growth that come with a government position, as these are key factors young professionals consider when starting their careers.

Samantha Odo, Real Estate Sales Representative & Montreal Division Manager, Precondo

Provide Clear Advancement Paths

My advice is that they should provide clear paths for advancement. For college students and recent graduates, the opportunity for career advancement is a critical factor in job selection. A large governmental agency should clearly outline the career paths available within the real estate sector, including the potential for upward mobility and the criteria for promotions. By illustrating a transparent and merit-based progression system, the agency can appeal to the ambition and drive of young professionals who are eager to advance their careers. Mentorship programs, professional development opportunities, and regular performance evaluations can also be part of this strategy, ensuring that new hires feel supported in their growth and see a future within the organization.

James Heartquist, Founder and Real Estate Professional, We Buy Houses Arizona

Partner with Educational Institutions

To attract college students and recent graduates for jobs in real estate, one piece of advice would be to partner with educational institutions. This can include universities, community colleges, and trade schools that offer programs in real estate or related fields. By establishing partnerships with these institutions, the governmental agency can tap into a pool of motivated and qualified candidates who are actively seeking job opportunities.

This partnership can take various forms, such as hosting job fairs on campus, guest speaking at career development events, or offering internships and apprenticeships. These initiatives not only provide exposure to the agency’s job opportunities but also allow for direct interaction with potential candidates, enabling them to learn more about the agency and its mission.

Brandon Shearin, Realtor, Sell My House For Cash

Utilize Employee-Referral Programs

My advice to a large governmental agency seeking to attract college students and recent graduates for real estate positions is to employ employee-referral programs. These programs allow current employees to refer qualified candidates for job openings and can be an effective way to reach potential candidates who may not have otherwise considered working for a government agency.

Employee referrals often result in higher-quality hires as they come recommended by someone already familiar with the organization’s culture and values. Additionally, offering incentives or rewards for successful referrals can motivate employees to actively participate in the program and help spread the word about job opportunities within their networks.

By utilizing employee-referral programs, a large governmental agency can tap into the networks of their own employees and potentially attract top talent from college campuses and recent graduates who may have connections to current employees. This can also help diversify the applicant pool and bring a fresh perspective to the agency’s real estate team.

Brandon Beatty, Real Estate Investor, Ready House Buyer

Showcase Employee Testimonials and Success

College students and recent graduates are more likely to trust the word of their peers when considering a job opportunity. Utilize this by showcasing employee testimonials and success stories on your website, social media, or other platforms. Highlight various aspects of the job, from day-to-day roles and responsibilities to the supportive work culture and team dynamics. Include video testimonials where employees share their personal growth journeys and memorable experiences within the company. This can provide valuable insights into what it’s like to work at your agency and highlight the career growth opportunities available within the company. Additionally, featuring stories about how employees have leveraged the company’s resources for professional development can further attract prospective candidates.

John Jones, Real Estate Investor, Sell My House Fast Now

Promote Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important to younger generations entering the workforce. To attract college students and recent graduates, make a conscious effort to promote diversity within your agency and highlight any initiatives or programs focused on creating an inclusive workplace. This can help demonstrate your commitment to creating a diverse and welcoming environment for all employees, making your agency more attractive to potential candidates.

Jonathan Carcone, Principal, 4 Brothers Buy Houses

Emphasize Job Stability and Growth

To attract college students and recent graduates for jobs in real estate, a valuable piece of advice for a large governmental agency is to emphasize the job stability that this career path offers. Clearly communicate the potential for long-term employment and growth within the agency, highlighting the stability and security that come with working in the real estate industry. Provide detailed information about job roles, including the specific responsibilities and opportunities for advancement. Clearly outline the promotion opportunities available, showcasing the potential for career progression and professional development. Additionally, be transparent about job titles and salary ranges, demonstrating the agency’s commitment to fair compensation and providing a clear understanding of the financial rewards associated with a career in real estate.

Sacha Ferrandi, Founder & Principal, Source Capital

Highlight Impactful Real Estate Projects

Sure, private companies might offer higher salaries or perks that government agencies cannot. But governmental agencies have a unique edge they can tap into—the desire to make a real difference. And if you look around, that’s exactly what today’s generation demands from their workplace.

The best thing governmental agencies can do is highlight specific real-estate projects or initiatives that directly address public needs. This could be developing affordable housing programs, revitalizing underprivileged communities, or spearheading sustainable urban planning projects. Whatever it is, let college graduates know about it in everything from your job descriptions to course information, etc. Use data and testimonials to demonstrate the positive change your agency’s real-estate work has achieved. This could be the number of families placed in affordable housing, the increased property values in revitalized areas, or the environmental benefits of sustainable development projects. You want graduates to see how their real-estate expertise translates into tangible improvements in people’s lives and communities.

Mike Roberts, Co-Founder, City Creek Mortgage

Foster a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment is crucial for attracting talented individuals, especially college students and recent graduates. As a large governmental agency, it is important to foster a culture that promotes work-life balance, diversity and inclusion, and professional development opportunities. This will not only attract young professionals but also retain them in the long run. Offer flexible work hours, promote teamwork and collaboration, and provide resources for personal growth and learning. Showcasing a positive company culture can be a major selling point for potential candidates looking for job opportunities in real estate within a governmental agency.

Greg Berney, Owner, Joe Home Buyer Tirad Group

Offer Training and Mentorship Programs

College students and recent graduates are often looking for opportunities to learn and grow in their careers. By offering ongoing training and mentorship programs, you can not only attract top talent but also retain them by providing valuable development opportunities. These programs could include workshops, online courses, and one-on-one mentoring sessions with industry experts. This shows that your agency is invested in the growth and success of its employees, making it an appealing option for potential candidates. Additionally, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented work environment can lead to higher job satisfaction and long-term employee loyalty, further enhancing your agency’s reputation as a great place to work.

Baxter Fricks, Founder & CEO, Cardinal House Buyers

Showcase Community Development Impact

One effective piece of advice would be to highlight the agency’s impact on community development and urban planning. Emphasizing the opportunity for graduates to contribute meaningfully to shaping cities and neighborhoods can attract those passionate about making a tangible difference. Additionally, offering structured training programs, mentorship opportunities, and competitive salaries can enhance the appeal, demonstrating a commitment to professional growth and development within the real-estate sector.

Jeremy Resmer, CEO, Value Land Buyers

Create a Collaborative Team Culture

To attract millennial real estate professionals, one key feature of a desirable government agency is a team-oriented environment. Millennials thrive on collaboration—working in teams and doing things together—unlike the Baby Boomer generation, which often adopted an, “It’s me against the world… I don’t need anybody else’s help”, attitude.

Creating a safe space where collaboration and shared personal and business goals are valued is crucial. If your government agency’s mission statement is relevant and resonates well, the right real estate professionals will naturally be drawn to and motivated by your brand. In fact, most young workers say that company culture plays the largest role in job satisfaction, and many state it has the greatest impact on morale. A positive culture isn’t just about Christmas bonuses and happy hours. Government agencies need to show these college students and recent graduates that they care about their ideas, passions, and careers. They must define their core values and consistently adhere to them. This is particularly important in real estate, where the agency and individual agents share a brand image; the closer their values align, the more pride the real estate professional will feel in representing the public sector.

Adam Klein, Certified Integral Coach® and Managing Director, New Ventures West

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

In today’s workforce, flexibility is highly valued by many individuals, especially college students and recent graduates who may have other commitments such as continuing their education or starting a family. Balancing these commitments can be challenging, making flexible work arrangements crucial. Offering options like remote work, flexible schedules, compressed workweeks, or part-time positions can be an appealing factor for potential candidates. This approach not only broadens your talent pool but also increases employee satisfaction and retention. Demonstrating that your agency values work-life balance and is willing to accommodate the diverse needs of its employees highlights your commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This, in turn, can enhance your reputation as an employer of choice.

John Swann, Founder & CEO, John Buys Your House

Ensure Proper Training and Support

The most important piece of advice I’d give to a large governmental agency to attract college students and recent graduates for jobs and real estate is to make sure that they have a proven process to help those individuals succeed at achieving their goals. One of the biggest reasons why people fail in real estate is that they don’t have proper training and support from the brokerage or other personnel. Everyone in real estate wants to win, as it’s a very competitive industry, and by providing the proper guidance, coaching, and mentorship, more college students and graduates will be willing to explore a career in real estate as they know that the likelihood of them succeeding will be much higher.

Sebastian Jania, CEO, Ontario Property Buyers

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