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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

8 tips for government agencies who want to hire students, recent grads for human resource jobs

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Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.
Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
July 16, 2024

In an effort to guide a large governmental agency in attracting the next generation of talent, we’ve compiled insights from eight industry experts, including Heads of Human Resources and CEOs. Their advice ranges from offering hands-on internship experiences to highlighting growth and impact opportunities, providing a comprehensive look at strategies for drawing college students and recent graduates to HR roles.

  • Offer Hands-On Internship Experience
  • Leverage Social Media Platforms
  • Provide Skill-Building Workshops
  • Showcase HR Technology Intersection
  • Emphasize Impact and Career Growth
  • Create a Collaborative Office Culture
  • Offer Flexible Work Arrangements
  • Highlight Growth and Impact Opportunities

Offer Hands-On Internship Experience

Using college students as interns or partnering with local universities to meet employer needs is a vital recruitment tool for governmental departments. When students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience through internships about how a governmental HR department functions, they may be more inclined to consider a lasting career in this sector.

Moreover, your strategic partnerships with university career centers can help to create a pipeline of recent graduates who want to convert from their internships at the university to full-time positions at the agency. Inviting agency HR professionals to guest lecture, participating in career fairs and similar activities, and providing students and recent graduates with opportunities for practicums or ‘real-world’ projects are all useful ways to get ‘foot-in-the-door’ recognition with the agency and the staff. Your active involvement in these partnerships can allow the agency to establish a pipeline of committed and high-performing talent and offer students and recent graduates of the university compelling opportunities to help launch their careers.

Sunaree Komolchomalee, Head of Human Resources, Cupid Digital PR Agency

Leverage Social Media Platforms

For large governmental agencies aiming to attract college students and recent graduates for human resources roles, leveraging social media platforms is crucial. With the rise of digital communication and networking, social media has become a powerful tool for recruitment and job opportunities.

By creating a strong presence on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, governmental agencies can reach out to potential candidates who are already active on these platforms.

Social media allows agencies to showcase their culture, values, and work environment, which can be appealing to younger generations. It also provides an opportunity for agencies to engage with potential candidates directly and answer any questions they may have about the job role or application process. This can help create a positive and personalized experience for applicants, making them more likely to consider a career in human resources with the agency.

Utilizing social media also allows agencies to target specific demographics, such as college students and recent graduates, through various advertising tools. This can help attract a diverse pool of candidates and increase the chances of finding qualified individuals for human resources roles within the agency.

Darcy Turner, Acquisition Manager, Investor Home Buyers

Provide Skill-Building Workshops

Host skill-building workshops and training sessions on campus and online to attract college students and recent graduates. These workshops can cover essential HR skills, resume building, interview techniques, and industry insights.

Offering these resources for free or at a low cost demonstrates your commitment to developing future talent. By providing valuable learning opportunities, you can engage with potential candidates early on and build a positive reputation among students who will consider your agency for their future careers.

Jonathan Feniak, General Counsel, LLC Attorney

Showcase HR Technology Intersection

To attract college students and recent graduates for human resources roles, a large governmental agency should emphasize the dynamic intersection of HR with technology and analytics. Highlight how HR professionals shape policies that affect a diverse workforce, utilizing data visualization and interactive tools to enhance decision-making and employee engagement. Showcase opportunities to innovate in recruitment through virtual reality simulations of workplace culture or gamified assessment platforms. Emphasize the agency’s commitment to inclusive practices and professional development, offering unique projects that blend creativity with policy implementation in areas like diversity, equity, and inclusion. This approach will appeal to candidates seeking impactful roles where innovation meets public service.

Mohammad Goodarzi, Co-Founder, Pixune Studios

Emphasize Impact and Career Growth

For large governmental agencies hoping to snag recent graduates for HR roles, I suggest coming up with a compelling message along with your listings.

Try to emphasize the opportunity to make a real difference within the public sector. Highlight how HR plays a crucial role in shaping a positive and effective workplace culture.

Additionally, showcase a clear path for career development. Offer mentorship programs, access to cutting-edge technologies, and involvement in impactful projects from the start. This demonstrates the agency’s commitment to nurturing future HR leaders.

By focusing on these aspects, government agencies can position themselves as rewarding workplaces for college students and recent graduates seeking both impact and professional growth.

Raisha Shrestha, Marketing Manager, Ling

Create a Collaborative Office Culture

To attract and retain recent college graduates for HR roles, who are predominantly Millennials and Gen Z at this point, government agencies need to provide more than just motivational leadership. They must create an atmosphere and a culture that encourages collaboration, paired with an office layout designed to make young employees feel they are in a place where they can thrive and be proud to show off to their friends. HR is a very stressful department, and the office setting makes the difference!

Business and customer service positions particularly benefit from conducive workspaces. A significant issue with many government offices is that their spaces are not optimized for today’s workforce; they’re often cramped and outdated. It’s not that young people dislike cubicles—actually, they can find them quite beneficial. The issue lies in how cubicles are typically used: indiscriminately, without thoughtful consideration of space planning, which should be treated as an art that enhances the overall office atmosphere.

Consider creating open work areas with tables for collaborative projects and desks or workstations for quiet, focused work. Imagine being able to simply turn around to speak with a colleague rather than relying on formal emails or instant messaging. All it takes is to think about how your office makes you feel and whether you genuinely love being there. That’s the approach cool, emerging companies are taking, and it’s what government agencies should consider to appeal to young talent.

Alex LaDouceur, Co-Founder, Webineering

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

One piece of advice for a large governmental agency to attract college students and recent graduates for human resources roles is to offer flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options or job-sharing opportunities. By providing these options, the agency can appeal to a younger generation that values work-life balance and autonomy in their positions. This flexibility shows that the agency is progressive and understands the evolving needs of its employees. Additionally, it allows students and recent graduates to pursue other interests or obligations outside of work while still contributing effectively to the organization. Overall, this unique offering can differentiate the agency from competitors and help attract top talent in the human resources field.

Michael Alexis, CEO,

Highlight Growth and Impact Opportunities

Cut the red tape and offer real growth opportunities. Show young talent you’re not just a bureaucratic maze but a launchpad for their careers. They want impact, not just a paycheck. Make it clear how they can make a difference from day one.

Jessica Winder, Founder, Hidden Gem Career Coaching

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