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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Making new hires feel special when they are being onboarded with 25 other new hires

Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
July 11, 2024

Cohosts Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter and Jeanette Leeds are joined today on the High Volume Hiring Podcast by Alexandria Cramer, Vice President of People and Places for Enable, a B2B, rebates, management company.

Enable has about 700 employees in five countries and 23 U.S. states. And it also has one of the most thoughtful and powerful onboarding programs that our cohosts have heard about. The success of their program isn’t an accident and has required a lot of effort, but it is also a key to their culture, the success of their employees, and the success of their business.

Join us as we talk about how to make every hire feel special right from their first moment as an employee, even if that first moment is shared by dozens of other new employees.

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