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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Best schools from which to recruit hospitality interns and other early career candidates

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Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
May 23, 2024

When you’re recruiting students for internships or recent grads for early career hospitality jobs, which are your favorite schools to recruit from and why? Here is what seven thought leaders have to say.

  • Cornell Grads Excel in Hospitality
  • Value Resilience and Creativity
  • Recruit from Industry-Aligned Programs
  • Rigorous, Industry-Focused Institutions
  • Target Top Healthcare Programs
  • UNLV’s Dynamic Hospitality Education
  • Choose Graduates with Practical Experience

Cornell Grads Excel in Hospitality

When recruiting students for internships or early-career positions in hospitality, I find myself consistently impressed by candidates from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration.

The school’s rigorous curriculum, which intertwines theoretical knowledge with practical application, prepares students exceptionally well for the demands of the hospitality industry. Cornell’s strong focus on real-world experience, through extensive internship programs and hands-on projects, ensures that students are not only knowledgeable but also adaptable and ready to tackle real challenges from day one.

Moreover, the school’s extensive network within the hospitality sector provides students with opportunities to connect with industry leaders, giving them a significant advantage in understanding current trends and practices.

These factors make Cornell graduates stand out, as they often bring a blend of strong foundational knowledge, practical skills, and a proactive approach to their roles.

Pierce Hogan, Owner, Varied Lands

Value Resilience and Creativity

I have always appreciated the fresh outlooks and adaptability that new graduate employees can bring to an organization. While recruiting for internships or early-career positions in the hospitality industry, I consider not only the prestige of schools but also their capacity to develop resilience, creativity, and solution-oriented capabilities.

The existence of various organizations seeking recruits from institutions like Brandeis University, which includes some of the high-ranked corporations, demonstrates that it is a richly vibrant learning milieu. Many colleges seem to feel a common sense of purpose with their communities and, as such, an attachment towards companies like mine.

Furthermore, I love institutions that go through difficult times with their students since this will be reflected in their businesses afterward. The ability of a person who has just graduated to tackle the modern world’s economic intricacies comes not just from his or her academic background but also from life experiences. Thus, my preferred recruitment centers are those that show commitment both to academic quality and personal growth among learners.

Chase Hughes, Founder, ProAI

Recruit from Industry-Aligned Programs

In my role as CEO of Weekender Management, which specializes in managing short-term rentals, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating extensively with educational institutions to recruit talent for the dynamic field of hospitality. Our focus tends to steer towards schools that not only offer robust hospitality and tourism programs but also integrate real-world applications through internships and practical learning modules.

One such institution that stands out is the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. They offer a comprehensive mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, which is crucial for preparing students to handle the complexities of hospitality management. Their curriculum is well-aligned with industry demands, covering aspects from customer service excellence to strategic revenue management.

Similarly, the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas also ranks high on our list. The college’s close proximity to Las Vegas, a major hub for hospitality and tourism, provides students with unparalleled access to internships and training in some of the world’s leading hotels and resorts. This practical exposure is invaluable, and we have found that graduates from UNLV are exceptionally well-prepared to hit the ground running.

Through our interactions and recruitment efforts, it’s clear that the success of these programs lies in their balance of in-depth education and real-world preparation. This dual approach equips students with not just the skills but also the mindset to innovate and excel in hospitality roles right out of college. Our best interns and young employees often come from these programs, demonstrating a keen understanding of guest satisfaction and operational efficiency, which are pivotal in our line of work at Weekender Management.

Garrett Ham, CEO, Weekender Management

Rigorous, Industry-Focused Institutions

Selecting students for internships and recent graduates for early-career roles in hospitality is always exciting. Top picks often include schools like Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration and the École Hôtelière de Lausanne. 

These institutions have a reputation for rigorous, industry-focused programs and produce candidates who are not only technically skilled but also display a keen sense of customer service and adaptability—traits essential for success in the hospitality sector.

Robin Luo, Founder, ICRFQ

Target Top Healthcare Programs

When recruiting students for internships or recent graduates for early-career healthcare jobs, we target institutions known for their excellent healthcare programs. Schools like Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, and the University of California, San Francisco stand out due to their rigorous academic training, cutting-edge research facilities, and extensive clinical exposure provided to students.

These institutions are renowned for producing highly skilled healthcare professionals equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques in medicine and healthcare. Their curricula often include hands-on clinical practice and internships in top medical facilities, ensuring that students graduate with practical experience and a deep understanding of patient care. This combination of theoretical knowledge and practical training makes graduates from these schools highly desirable for positions that require immediate competence and a high level of expertise in the healthcare field.

Bhavik Sarkhedi, CMO, Write Right

UNLV’s Dynamic Hospitality Education

My favorite source for recruiting young talent in hospitality is the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Being located in one of the world’s most vibrant hospitality hubs offers UNLV students unparalleled exposure to the industry.

The college facilitates a robust relationship between students and leading hospitality businesses, including hotels, resorts, and restaurants, allowing students to gain invaluable hands-on experience and industry connections.

Their curriculum is also very forward-thinking, incorporating the latest technology and trends in hospitality, which is crucial given the rapid evolution of consumer expectations in the industry.

Graduates from UNLV are typically well-versed in the practicalities of hospitality management and bring a fresh, innovative perspective to their roles, which is invaluable for staying competitive in this dynamic field.

Tim White, Founder, milepro

Choose Graduates with Practical Experience

When recruiting students for internships or recent grads for early-career hospitality jobs, I often turn to schools known for their distinguished hospitality management programs, such as Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. These programs are esteemed for their comprehensive curriculum that covers all facets of hospitality management, from operational techniques to advanced customer service skills.

Graduates from these institutions are well-equipped with both the practical abilities and the managerial acumen needed in the dynamic hospitality industry. They often have hands-on experience through structured internships and experiential learning opportunities that simulate real-world hospitality environments, making them ready to contribute effectively from day one. Their education in these top programs ensures they bring innovative ideas and a strong work ethic to their roles.

Scott Distasio, Tampa Accident Injury Lawyer, Distasio Law Firm

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