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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Is PPC better than traditional, duration-based pricing when advertising job openings?

Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
February 6, 2024

Why is it better for employers to choose the pay-per-click recruitment model instead of a traditional duration-based model when advertising job openings? Here is what 13 thought leaders have to say.

  • Pay Only for Qualified Clicks
  • Turn Advertising into a Science
  • Target Ideal Candidates Precisely
  • Efficient Budget Use with PPC
  • Real-Time Data Enhances Recruitment
  • Monitor Performance, Optimize Campaigns
  • Dynamic Budget Allocation Saves Money
  • Control Spend with Flexible Budgeting
  • PPC Ensures Genuine Engagement
  • PPC Keeps Job Postings Fresh
  • Cost-Effective Engagement with PPC
  • Granular Control Over Spending
  • PPC Offers Consistent Visibility

Pay Only for Qualified Clicks

Unlike traditional models where you pay for ad time, PPC only charges you when a candidate clicks on your ad, showing real interest in the job. This lets you reach qualified people actively searching for work, saving you money and time.

Plus, PPC gives you detailed reports on who’s clicking, so you can adjust your ad to attract the best candidates. Think of it as laser-targeting your recruitment efforts, for a sharper hiring process and a lighter wallet.

Nicholas Gibson, Founder and SEO Strategist, NJ Gibson

Turn Advertising into a Science

In my role as Chief Marketing Officer at FireRock Marketing, I’ve witnessed the distinct advantages that the pay-per-click (PPC) model affords employers when it comes to recruitment. With over 25 years of marketing, sales, and business development experience, I can assert that PPC’s power lies in its ability to turn advertising into a science, offering precise control over targeting, budgeting, and the ability to dynamically adjust campaigns.

One memorable instance that underscores the efficacy of PPC was when we assisted a local tech startup in their hiring process. By employing a PPC campaign, we targeted individuals searching for specific tech roles, which not only improved the quality of applicants but also drastically reduced unnecessary spend. Each click represented an engaged job seeker, and by carefully monitoring and adjusting bid strategies and ad copy, we ensured that the startup’s budget was invested solely in the most promising potential candidates. This kind of real-time optimization is simply not possible with traditional duration-based job postings, making PPC the more strategically sound approach.

Furthermore, by leveraging customer segmentation and analytics, we were able to continuously refine our client’s recruitment campaigns, achieving a higher significance and conversion rate. Need an example? We once helped a client fine-tune their PPC ads by homing in on segmented data revealing that certain job titles and descriptions resonated more effectively with their ideal candidates. This kind of adjustability in strategy, as mirrored in our successful case, significantly maximizes investment and reduces cost-per-hire, a testament to the superiority of PPC recruitment strategy in today’s digital marketplace.

Ryan Esco, Chief Marketing Officer, FireRock Marketing

Target Ideal Candidates Precisely

I think it’s about precision and performance. Traditional ads are like casting a wide net and hoping for the best. When you are using pay-per-click, you’re targeting your ideal candidates where they actually hang out and only paying when they show genuine interest.

You get control and data. You can tweak your campaign based on real-time feedback, optimizing your spend and strategy. The data you gather is pure gold for understanding what resonates with your candidates. Pay-per-click turns recruitment from a shot in the dark into a targeted, data-driven mission. It’s about finding the right ones efficiently.

Zephyr Chan, Founder and Growth Marketer, Living The Good Life

Efficient Budget Use with PPC

The pay-per-click (PPC) recruitment model is often more effective than traditional duration-based advertising due to its cost efficiency and targeting capabilities. PPC allows employers to pay only when potential candidates engage with the ad, ensuring the budget is spent on genuine interest. It also offers precise targeting options, reaching more relevant candidates. This leads to a more efficient use of recruitment budgets and potentially quicker, more suitable hires.

John Cammidge, PPC Consultant, JTC

Real-Time Data Enhances Recruitment

As a digital marketing expert leading EasyFish Marketing, I have a strong understanding of the intricacies of both pay-per-click (PPC) and traditional duration-based models. In my experience, a PPC model offers a number of advantages over traditional methods when it comes to job advertising. 

One of the biggest draws of a PPC model lies in its ability to provide real-time data analytics. This allows us to measure the effectiveness of our campaigns in ways we could only dream of with traditional models. For example, we have immediate visibility of how many potential candidates are engaging with our ads, along with demographic information and engagement patterns. Not only this, ads can be quickly adjusted and adapted based on real-time data, resulting in better candidate targeting and a higher return on investment.

On the topic of targeting and reach, PPC allows in-depth audience segmentation, which leads to a more refined group of potential candidates. For instance, we have used it to target job seekers with very specific skill sets for our clients. It offers a broader range than traditional models as it explores channels that they cannot. For an SME client of ours cursed with a small recruitment team and limited resources, targeted use of PPC aided in reaching skilled applicants nationally, thereby leading to speedy hiring.

Finally, a PPC model also presents a cost advantage. It is only when an interested candidate clicks on an ad that an amount becomes payable, making every spent penny count. In fact, we’ve seen significant cost savings for many businesses that shifted from the duration-based model to a PPC model. So, from my experience, I can assert that PPC, with its real-time analytics, precision targeting, and cost-effectiveness, presents a highly compelling case for businesses looking to optimize their recruitment process.

Cole Greer, Vice President, Easyfish Marketing

Monitor Performance, Optimize Campaigns

From my perspective, the PPC model offers superior advantages because it enables real-time performance monitoring and optimization. Employers can continuously assess the effectiveness of their job ads, refining keywords and targeting criteria to attract the most relevant candidates. 

This agility proves invaluable in a dynamic job market where securing top talent swiftly is imperative. Moreover, the ability to monitor and adjust campaigns in real-time ensures that employers can react promptly to changing recruitment needs and market dynamics.

Phil Strazzulla, Founder, SelectSoftware Reviews

Dynamic Budget Allocation Saves Money

One of the main reasons why pay-per-click (PPC) recruitment is better than the traditional time-based model is that it can save you money. Talking about reducing costs, stretching a limited budget to cover all your open positions can be tough in the traditional method. This is where dynamic budget allocation, also known as bidding, is really helpful. It ensures you only pay for ads that give you real results and the best return on investment. In fact, using programmatic job advertising can cut your cost-per-applicant by more than 30%. In our experience, we’ve seen some platforms report up to a 70% decrease for their clients!

It’s also important to note that, on average, about 6% of your open job ads bring in over half of all applications. So, if you’re paying for ads based on clicks, your jobs that are easier to fill usually use up most of your budget. This makes it harder to find skilled people for more challenging roles. Fortunately, from what I’ve seen, programmatic job advertising automatically adjusts to focus more on the jobs that aren’t getting many applications. At the same time, it reduces the focus on jobs that are already attracting a lot of candidates.

Amy Tribe, Director, OGLF (Our Good Living Formula)

Control Spend with Flexible Budgeting

I firmly believe that the pay-per-click model is far superior to traditional duration-based models for advertising job openings. There are several key reasons for this:

First and foremost, the pay-per-click approach gives employers much more control over their recruitment advertising spend. Rather than paying upfront for a set period of time, you only pay when an interested candidate actually clicks on your ad. This means you can adjust your budget based on demand and response. If your role isn’t attracting many applicants, you can scale back. If it’s highly popular, you can increase spending. This level of flexibility is impossible with duration-based models.

Additionally, pay-per-click allows for far better targeting and optimization over time. You can continuously refine your keywords, demographics, placement, etc., based on performance data, ensuring your ads show up in front of the most relevant candidates. Duration-based advertising locks you into set targeting and placement for the entire campaign.

Finally, pay-per-click advertising tends to be more cost-effective overall. You aren’t wasting money advertising to the wrong audiences or at the wrong times. Every dollar spent is directed toward generating direct interest and clicks from suitable candidates. This optimizes the return on investment.

Gert Kulla, CEO, RedBat.Agency

PPC Ensures Genuine Engagement

The PPC recruitment model offers employers a more efficient and cost-effective way to advertise job openings compared to traditional duration-based models. With PPC, you only pay when interested candidates click on your ad, ensuring that your budget is spent on genuine engagement rather than just ad visibility. This model also allows for real-time adjustments and targeting, making it easier to reach the right candidates faster and more effectively.

Marco Genaro Palma, Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

PPC Keeps Job Postings Fresh

I believe that the pay-per-click (PPC) model mitigates the risk of job postings becoming stagnant or outdated. Unlike the traditional duration-based model, which displays job ads for a set period, PPC ensures that employers actively manage their listings, removing or updating them promptly. 

This promotes a better candidate experience, as applicants encounter up-to-date and relevant job postings, resulting in a more positive perception of the employer’s brand. Additionally, this real-time management of job postings ensures that employers remain agile and responsive to evolving hiring needs.

Chad Sultana, Founder, Chad Sultana

Cost-Effective Engagement with PPC

The pay-per-click (PPC) recruitment model offers distinct advantages over traditional duration-based models for advertising job openings. With PPC, employers pay only when potential candidates click on their job ads, ensuring that the budget is spent on actual engagement. This model provides a more cost-effective approach, especially for positions with high competition or niche markets, as it focuses on real interactions rather than a fixed timeframe.

Additionally, PPC allows for more precise targeting, reaching candidates based on specific criteria, leading to higher-quality leads and potentially faster hiring processes compared to the broader approach of traditional duration-based models.

Pat Schirripa, CEO, People 2U

Granular Control Over Spending

I believe the PPC model is superior because it empowers employers with granular control over their recruitment spending. Employers can set daily or monthly budgets, ensuring they never overspend. This level of control is particularly beneficial for organizations with limited resources, allowing them to compete effectively for talent without breaking the bank.

Additionally, PPC provides detailed analytics and insights, allowing employers to continually refine their strategies. This data-driven approach ensures that every dollar spent is used efficiently, making it a wise choice in today’s competitive job market.

Hardy Desai, Founder, Supple Digital

PPC Offers Consistent Visibility

The biggest advantage of a PPC (pay-per-click) recruitment model over a flat-rate fee for posting is that, with the pay-per-click model, your posting is more likely to be visible to a wider array of potential applicants for longer. With a traditional model, recency is a major factor in where your posting appears relative to others. The older the posting is, the further down the list it will be, and the fewer people will likely see it. This can mean you miss getting in front of applicants who could be a perfect fit for the role, simply because other, newer jobs have taken precedence in the listing order. It often doesn’t take long for your post to get pushed down the list, either, especially on larger, busier job sites. Conversely, with a pay-per-click model, your posting comes up as a top option whenever a job seeker searches for relevant keywords. This means you’re likely to get more consistent visibility and traffic on your posting over time, rather than getting a deluge of applications upfront and significantly fewer as time goes on. The quality of the traffic that you get on the posting is likely to be higher, as well, since it will be shown to those who are already searching for similar positions. A more general audience can still find it, as well, but you’ll typically get more targeted traffic using a PPC model, which means that a higher percentage of your applications are likely to be relevant to your company and role.

Rob Boyle, Marketing Operations Director, Airswift

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