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Will AI force a shift in pricing models to CPQVA?

Anita Jobb AvatarAnita Jobb
November 30, 2023

Richard Collins is a serial HR / TA Tech founder and investor with three successful exits: Jobsite Worldwide, R21media, and ClickIQ. His new venture, CV / Resume Wallet, is a talent marketplace.

Job seekers use a blue tick verification to prove their credentials and have ownership and control of their personal data. Recruiters programmatically source and invite qualified applicants to apply to jobs.

Job seekers are rapidly adopting generative AI, CV data can no longer be trusted, matching tech is failing, and employers are being overwhelmed with floods of generic-looking CVs. To solve these issues, Richard’s team is building trust through verifications of skills, qualifications, and experiences.

Cohosts Peter Zollman of AIM Group and Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter also learn how that entire, core, programmatic sourcing product will be automated: advertisers will simply provide a feed or API of their jobs, budget, and how many qualified applicants they would like on each.

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