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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

WATCH: College Recruiter’s Founder, Steven Rothberg’s presentation on the coming storm of programmatic and CPC for e-Recruitment Congress in Oostende, Belgium

May 24, 2022

Recently, College Recruiter’s Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Steven Rothberg gave a presentation on performance-based advertising for the e-Recruitment Congress in Oostende, Belgium. Steven delves into why programmatic and pay for performance job advertising is about to overwhelm traditional duration-based advertising. He also makes the case as to why programmatic is a good solution for recruitment advertising, and details the situations in which it’s not.

After giving a brief overview of his backstory and a run-through of the services College Recruiter offers, Steven explains the differences between programmatic job advertising, cost-per-click (CPC), and cost-per-application (CPA).

Afterward, he does a deep dive into College Recruiter’s timeline and the key dates for the job board industry as a whole. He discusses the shift from when people stopped using the internet as a curiosity, into an integral tool for their business, and how College Recruiter has been around long enough to see it all. College Recruiter’s most recent endeavors include the launch of their JobsThatScale product 6 years ago and an international expansion.

Next, Steven outlines the advantages of shifting to programmatic. From improvements with operational efficiencies, to an increase in diverse candidates, programmatic has a plethora of benefits. Programmatic is attractive to employers as the risk is placed solely on the job board, making the employer likely to post most if not all of their ads on that site.

How can you tell if your market will shift to programmatic? Well, Steven gives three different ways to tell if the programmatic storm is coming your way. Tune in to find out!

If you are interested in programmatic, CPA, and CPC job advertising and looking for more information, click here to download Steven’s PowerPoint, without cost.

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