Career Advice for Job Seekers

Ask the Experts: How can I find a remote part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job?

November 24, 2020


I saw that College Recruiter recently added a Remote Jobs link to its top navigation to make it easier for job seekers to find part-time, seasonal, internship, and entry-level jobs which are remote. How else should I be looking for remote jobs?

First Answer:

Generally speaking, I’d approach organizations you’re interested in with an idea for something you could help out with part-time or seasonally. For example, many would-be interns received jobs last summer by offering their technical expertise to companies who were struggling to move everything online. Or, network with friends or with loose tie connections to assess the gaps organizations are currently trying to fill, and then acquire the specific skill set to fill a flexible role remotely. For instance, project managers are highly in demand for both short and long-term assignments. What about getting a PMI certification? In summary, identify where the demand is and then follow it.

Alexandra Levit, Author of They Don’t Teach Corporate in College

Second Answer:

I would recommend using LinkedIn for your job search for specific seasonal searches.

The reason I am such a huge LinkedIn fan is because, in these strange times, it’s not just enough to apply to a position on a job board anymore. In order to stand out from the other applicants and land a remote part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job it will help to connect with individuals from the company and be proactive by reaching out to the hiring manager and other employees.

LinkedIn is a great place to look for these types of jobs because not only do the job descriptions. Make it clear why type of employment it is, you can also see who currently works at the company.

Lorenz Esposito, Senior Digital Marketing Strategist at Blue Hands Digital

Third Answer:

First: Not every job, remote or not, is advertised, so don’t overlook your network! Talk with your friends, your friends’ families, your parents/other older relatives, faculty, about jobs and internships, anywhere in the world. Ask, “Who do you know — wherever they may be — who needs [x] help right now?” or “Who do you know — wherever they may be — who has a painful problem in their business/organization right now?”

Second, try not to think of your next opportunity as only well-defined, written-down jobs ready to be filled, but also think about needs that haven’t been “written up” yet AS a job — can you solve a problem for the company or organization? That may turn into a “job”, or internship, thanks to YOU inquiring about “What problems do you need help with right now? Or over the next few months?”

Last, be relentless. Don’t think that because your first few inquiries don’t turn up much, that your search is over. Far from it: keep at it. “Turn over every stone” goes the old saying — and it’s still true!

Joanne Meehl, CEO of Joanne Meehl Career Services

Fourth Answer:

If I were seeking either a remote internship or a part-time opportunity, here’s how I’d tackle it.

First, I’d go on LinkedIn and type in “remote jobs” in the search bar. Now, within the filter, I’d select “remote,” “internship” and “entry-level” in the experience section and “contract” as well. When I’m conducting this search, I have 1,058 results populate in the results section. Go nuts and find an opportunity that best suits you.

Second, I’d also look for micro-internship opportunities through websites like Parker Dewey since they’re catered to early-talent.

Lastly, I’d visit a site like, create a profile and search for top freelancers within a specific industry. These freelancers are skilled in specific tangible skills and some might even be looking to grow their business by bringing on other freelancers. This is where you come in. So, if I were you, I’d message these freelancers, let them know that you’re eager to learn and are flexible with your rate since you’re a college student looking to gain some experience. (Try to not do anything for free since you want to be compensated for your hard work).

Things may be crazy, but use technology in your favor, and don’t be scared to think outside the traditional box of needing a proper corporate internship this year to get the experience you need.

Rishav Khanal, Account Manager and Co-Founder of inPerson

Fifth Answer:

As more and more companies and organizations are realizing the value of “remote” working, the opportunity for remote part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level jobs has increased exponentially.  These types of opportunities can be an amazing opportunity for students to showcase their skills as they make the transition to the world of work.  For all of the benefits that these types of opportunities hold for students, it may be difficult to find an opportunity like this.  If you are seeking a remote opportunity, here are a couple of suggestions:

Start at your college or university career center – Many companies and organizations will post these types of job opportunities for students using the online resources provided by the school.  Making sure that your profile and resume are up to date is a good start as you search these opportunities.  It would also be a good idea to connect with someone in the career center and let them know that you are interested in these types of opportunities.  

Expand your search – There are some amazing services out there that you can take advantage of to secure remote part-time, seasonal jobs or internships.  For example, College Recruiter recently added a “remote jobs” link to their top navigation bar to make the search easier.  If you are specifically looking for short-term, project based work, make sure that you check out Parker Dewey for a comprehensive list of micro-internship activities.  Finally, you can always visit online job-boards like Indeed and search for remote part-time, seasonal, internship, or entry-level job.

Narrow your focus – Sometimes, great opportunities are right in front of us!  If you are a student, ask your parents, professors, and anyone else who might have opportunities for project-based remote work. 

The world of work has changed and will continue to be shaped over the next couple of years.  This is a great opportunity for you, as the next generation of employees, to take the lead on making remote part-time, seasonal, internships, and entry-level jobs and important and productive part of the workforce.

Robert Shindell, President and CEO of Intern Bridge, Inc.

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