Advice for Employers and Recruiters
Resources for students, grads searching for remote work due to COVID-19
March 19, 2020
The rapidly escalating coronavirus pandemic is creating havoc in the lives of almost everyone worldwide. Estimates regarding the number of people laid off or whose employment will be terminated vary widely but, yesterday, the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department said that we could see an unemployment rate of 20 percent if we don’t flatten the curve.
If you or someone you know has lost their job or are nervous that your upcoming internship or other job offer won’t be available when you’re ready to start, then here are some resources:
Resources for Remote Work:
- Standuply’s list of 330 remote work tools
- Skillcrush’s list of skills needed for successfully working from home
- The Muse’s advice on how to find home-based jobs
- Zapier’s article on how to find work-from-home jobs
- An article written before the COVID-19 pandemic about the state of remote work
- List of 25 sites that are good for finding remote work
- A similar list of 18 sites which are good for finding home-based employment
- A shorter but still good list for places to find telecommuting jobs
- A list of 25 companies that hire virtual employees
- Workplaceless, which is a professional development organization for remote work, they help universities and businesses understand how to best learn, grow and lead remotely
- Novoresume’s complete guide to remote work in 2022
- And, of course, College Recruiter, which currently has almost 10,000 job posting ads from employers who are trying to hire students and recent graduates who want to work from home
We’re all in this together. Let’s flatten that curve!
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