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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

What companies hire the most recent graduates of colleges and universities?

Graduates holding diplomas. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.
Graduates holding diplomas. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.
August 20, 2018

College students and recent graduates are naturally curious as to which companies hire the most graduates for entry-level jobs and other career opportunities.

The thinking often goes that the more people these companies hire, the more likely it is that they’ll hire you. That may be true, but it also means that these companies tend to receive a large number of well-qualified applications, so apply to these organizations if their roles align with your competencies, interests, and values, but don’t apply if your primary interest is simply to be hired and receive a paycheck. As is the case with all employers, these companies want to hire not just candidates who are qualified, but also candidates who are the most qualified and the most likely to stay with them year after year after year.

Companies want to hire not just candidates who are qualified, but also candidates who are the most qualified and the most likely to stay with them year after year after year. Share on X

Another factor to keep in mind is that not everyone hired by these organizations is a recent graduate. Many of these organizations hire candidates for part-time, seasonal, internship, and roles requiring years of experience. Think of a hospital. Not everyone who works in a hospital is a nurse or physician. They also employee food service workers, accountants, and information technology professionals. So, for students and recent graduates who are seeking an accounting position, don’t focus solely on working for an accounting firm unless that’s the environment that you strongly prefer. Retailer Amazon, for example, hires a lot of accountants and accounting and consulting firm Ernst & Young hires a lot of information technology professionals.

Based upon our private conversations with Fortune 1,000 employers, federal government agencies, and other organizations who hire at-scale (meaning dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of candidates a year) along with research on third-party sites, the following are the ten organizations who hire the most recent graduates with bachelor’s degrees:

  1. Amazon
  2. Ernst & Young (EY)
  3. Oracle
  4. Lockheed Martin
  5. Insight Global (IGI)
  6. IBM
  7. Vanguard
  8. Enterprise Holdings
  9. Deloitte
  10. Accenture

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