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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

Resume and cover letter secrets to help you land job interviews and offers

November 18, 2015

Finding a new job requires job seekers to present themselves in the best manner. Two key documents in job searches include resumes and cover letters. These documents work together to secure the job interview and, hopefully, desired job offers. The following webinar, Resume and cover letter secrets to help you land more job interviews and offers, discusses differences between resumes and cover letters, shares resume and cover letter tips, and offers additional advice to job seekers.

This webinar features Jimmy Sweeney, CEO, who helps job seekers land more job interviews and job offers. The webinar is moderated by Andrea McEwen Henderson, former National Account Manager for College Recruiter.

3 Key Takeaways:

1. Keep cover letters “short, sweet, and personal” and make sure to close letters by clearly and directly asking for the opportunity to be interviewed.

2. Begin sentences on your resume with “action verbs” that focus on highlighting specific results you’ve achieved. Examples: Created, Generated, Designed, Produced, and Organized.

3. Be proactive in your job search. As long as you are respectful and professional, dare to be different. Use the telephone, email, or snail mail. Ask for the interview; ask for the job. Be upbeat, passionate, and caring. Make it a habit to follow up ALL communications and interviews with an email or a handwritten note to automatically double your odds of getting noticed, interviewed, and hired.

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Tell me a little about your marketing background and why you decided to apply marketing strategies to the job search process.

My background is in direct marketing, advertising, and sales for over 20 years. Most people’s documents I have reviewed were overly professional and boring and don’t allow you to get a feel for the person. By using a few proven key ingredients to help a friend’s resume and cover letter stand out, my friend landed several interviews and the job he was searching for. I realized how many job seekers could benefit from this marketing approach to their job hunt. I applied marketing strategies to resumes and cover letters that have helped job seekers all across the globe.

What are the main differences between a cover letter and a resume, and what is the purpose of each?

The main difference between a cover letter and a resume is that a cover letter grabs an employer’s attention and interest in a candidate, which leads to whether or not the employer decides to review the candidate’s resume. The cover letter and resume work together to land the job interview and, hopefully, the job offer.

What are three unique cover letter tips that would help a person to land more job interviews?

1. Grab attention with a centered, bold headline.

2. Keep your letter short, sweet, and friendly. Show your passion; list at least one skill that matches the job description.

3. Close your cover letter by clearly and directly asking to be interviewed for the job.

What are three unique resume tips that would help a person to land more job interviews and job offers?

1. Use an objective or summary statement at the top to grab attention.

2. Use the exact job title and specific keywords (and associated keywords) in your resume so it comes up in searches.

3. Emphasize results. Start off sentences with action verbs. Tell an employer what you’ve accomplished.

Do you have any other advice for a person that is struggling to land a job?

Follow up on all communications with an email or handwritten note; job seekers can double their chances of landing job interviews and job offers. Also, network with friends and colleagues, and ask for help. Ask if you can help them too. Be the attractive personality that every company is looking to hire.

Jimmy Sweeney is the CEO of The company slogan,“Brilliantly Simple Marketing Strategies Applied To YOUR Job Search.” Jimmy is the developer of the new Amazing Resume Creator and the Amazing Cover Letter Creator. He is the author of several career related courses along with hundreds of articles on a variety of topics-all designed to help job seekers land more job interviews and job offers.

To visit Jimmy Sweeney on the Web, please go to

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