Career Advice for Job Seekers

Getting into the job search routine after vacation

October 7, 2015

Job search career hiring opportunity employment concept

Job search career hiring opportunity employment concept. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

Late summer and early fall brings many things. The welcome scent of pumpkin spice wafts through our favorite coffee shops, department stores inexplicably begin decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and college students begin returning to school after a restful summer vacation. If you are one of these college students, you are probably just beginning to get back into the groove of things. You’ve probably begun adjusting to a new sleep schedule, memorized where your classes are, and otherwise made the transition back to school. This is great, but have you also gotten your job search on track? After all, if you are like most students, looking for a job was probably not a high priority over the summer. Now that you are back in school and getting back to business, why not kick your job search efforts into high gear?

Make your job search a priority

If you want your job search to be fruitful, dedicate time each day to work towards your goal. There is simply no way around it. This may mean spending less time, or taking a hiatus altogether, from other activities. It is very important to spend a meaningful amount of time each day actively perusing job listings, sending emails, making and returning phone calls, polishing your resume, and working on your interview skills.

Set goals and time limits

If you set goals, you will add an intense focus and sense of purpose to your efforts to finding a job. However, it is also important to remember that goals without time limits are pretty meaningless. So make a list of short and long-term goals for your job search, write them down, and then give yourself a deadline for each goal. Here’s an example:

Daily goals

  • Return any job-related emails and phone calls
  • Review job listings on at least three websites and the job board at school
  • Find and apply for two positions

Weekly goals

  • Make an appointment with school employment center
  • Square away two new personal references
  • Inquire with financial aid about work study availability

Monthly goals

  • Read a motivational book about careers
  • Create a LinkedIn profile

Start networking

Now that back to school season is in full swing, why not kick up your networking efforts? Not sure where to start? Here are few steps to get started.

  • Create a LinkedIn profile and make some connections. Reach out to coworkers and former employers, your department head, instructors, and even former high school coaches, counselors, and teachers.
  • Send a networking email to a local business expressing an interest in setting up a meeting to discuss part-time opportunities.
  • Identify key people in your field(s) of interest and connect with them on social media.
  • Let people in your social circle know you are looking for a job.

Take an objective look at your social media accounts

You know potential employers are going to look you up on social media. Will they approve of what they see? There’s nothing wrong with going to a few parties to blow off a bit of steam, but you may want to keep your wildest exploits between you and your friends. You may also want to clean up any past posts complaining about former bosses. Even if your complaints are valid, social media is not the best venue.

Go interview clothes shopping

The daily wardrobe of the average college student isn’t exactly interview ready. You should have at least one interview ensemble ready for interviews and callbacks. Remember to go for dressy and conservative, however, if you’re limiting yourself to a single outfit.

My bio:

Pat Fredshaw is a consultant at EssaySupply. She likes to share her expertise with students about writing and job searching issues. Contact Pat via Google +, Facebook, Twitter

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