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Advice for Employers and Recruiters

32 Reasons Employers Should Hire College Students and Recent Grads

December 15, 2011

Dr. John Sullivan of San Francisco State University

Dr. John Sullivan of San Francisco State University

Dr. John Sullivan, professor of management at San Francisco State University, recently created a list for ERE of the short- and long-term benefits of hiring college students:

Shorter-term Benefits of Hiring College Students

  1. Lower salary costs
  2. Continuous learners
  3. Comfortable with technology
  4. Comfortable with the Internet and social media
  5. High levels of innovation
  6. Fast change and agility
  7. Team players
  8. Superior communicators
  9. The “why” question — a willingness to repeatedly ask the “why question” of others
  10. Better performance on the job
  11. New ideas
  12. No need to unlearn
  13. Multitasking ability
  14. Energy and enthusiasm
  15. Willing to take high-risk assignments
  16. They understand metrics
  17. Willingness to do grunt work
  18. Willingness to travel
  19. Diverse ideas
  20. Professor contacts also
  21. Access to research
  22. Faster time to productivity
  23. Easier to manage
  24. An opportunity for a tryout

    Long-Term Benefits to the Firm for Hiring College Grads

  25. A global perspective
  26. Essential for filling future management positions
  27. Long-term assets
  28. You might only get one shot at them
  29. Competitive advantage — if your firm gets this talent, your competitors cannot.
  30. Youth market benefits
  31. An opportunity to influence curriculum
  32. Now is the perfect time — fewer employers are hiring on-campus due to the recession so the students and grads who are available are exceptionally well qualifed.

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