Advice for Employers and Recruiters
32 Reasons Employers Should Hire College Students and Recent Grads
December 15, 2011
ERE of the short- and long-term benefits of hiring college students:
Dr. John Sullivan, professor of management at San Francisco State University, recently created a list for Shorter-term Benefits of Hiring College Students
- Lower salary costs
- Continuous learners
- Comfortable with technology
- Comfortable with the Internet and social media
- High levels of innovation
- Fast change and agility
- Team players
- Superior communicators
- The “why” question — a willingness to repeatedly ask the “why question” of others
- Better performance on the job
- New ideas
- No need to unlearn
- Multitasking ability
- Energy and enthusiasm
- Willing to take high-risk assignments
- They understand metrics
- Willingness to do grunt work
- Willingness to travel
- Diverse ideas
- Professor contacts also
- Access to research
- Faster time to productivity
- Easier to manage
- An opportunity for a tryout
Long-Term Benefits to the Firm for Hiring College Grads
- A global perspective
- Essential for filling future management positions
- Long-term assets
- You might only get one shot at them
- Competitive advantage — if your firm gets this talent, your competitors cannot.
- Youth market benefits
- An opportunity to influence curriculum
- Now is the perfect time — fewer employers are hiring on-campus due to the recession so the students and grads who are available are exceptionally well qualifed.