Industry News and Information

Cafeteria Food Server Sample Cover Letter

August 18, 2007

Job applicants who write cafeteria food server resume cover letters make sure the hiring manager knows their experience in this field as well as their ability to relate easily to customers who come and go on a regular basis. If you are in the market for such a job, be sure to mention your experience and ability to work quickly during the high-production hours. A cafeteria food server resume cover letter should include practical information as well as personal traits so the applicant will be noticed and win an interview.

Jane Jobhunter
23 Post Drive
Applewood, USA 98989
May 16, 2006
Mr. Terry Horning
Hiring Manager
Cornerstone Cafeteria
479 Wilson Drive
Any Where, USA 99999
Dear Mr. Horning:
For two years I was one of five cafeteria food servers at Partridge Street High School. I began working the food lines and then moved up to supervisor. I’m writing this resume cover letter to let you know that I am well-qualified to become one of the cafeteria food servers you’re looking for as seen on
I would require little training since my experience speaks for itself. I can begin working immediately and promise to give my best effort to this job.
If you’d like to meet with me in person, I’d be happy to come to your cafeteria any weekday morning. Please call me on my cell phone: 888-888-8888 so we can arrange a date and time that suits you.
Jane Jobhunter
Enclosure: cover letter and resume
Content provided by CareerJimmy
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